Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy Monday!

Yeah, I missed the Happy Friday post, but you know what? This is better. My weekends are busy, but not as busy as my weekdays. Compiling and blogging while I'm trying to keep up with work, school, social things, etc.? AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!
Plus, Mondays suck. This would give you, my imaginary readers, something to look forward to!

Help - This isn't a volunteer opportunity, but it is an awesome reason to get a really cool painting. When someone compliments a piece of art in your house whether because they mean it or because, like me, you have no TV and they feel like they need to fill the that sad void with idle chatter, how cool would it be to explain JoJo's story instead of "I got it at Target." Hit up the folks at Wellspring Trust if you're interested!

Listen - This is exactly exactly the song I would write if I had such abilities. Instead, I write silly rap songs about work. As awesome as they are, I don't think it'll get me a Taylor Swift-like following with the tween markets. The Quiz, Hello Saferide.

Wear - I couldn't figure out how to get to the collection preview on her site, so the Pinterest page will have to do. Doesn't it make you excited for Spring?!?!

Learn - Ever wonder how folks got up before alarm clocks existed?

I made the banana cookies I posted last weekend. No, they weren't as good as real cookies, but real cookies are filled with butter and sugar, and that's tough to beat. Still, I'll probably keep making these banana nuggets for snacks, and a to-go breakfast. So easy!

Pic is of my friend Kim, President of Wellspring Trust, with the artist currently known as JoJo

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